Friday, 26 June 2015

Take One Picture...

Across the school we have taken part in the National Gallery's 'Take One Picture' scheme as part of our Arts Week, using the picture 'Mr and Mrs Andrews' as a stimulus for creating our own pieces of art.

In Reception we chose to take inspiration from the countryside setting of the picture and create sculptures and art work using natural materials.

As well as looking at 'Mr and Mrs Andrews' we explored the work of Andy Goldsworthy to support our chosen theme.

The children collected sticks, leaves and other natural objects from the wooded area and used them to create some imaginative art work.

 "The Gruffalo"

A castle - "It has leaves and flowers on the floor"

Friday, 5 June 2015

The Long Arm of the Law...


Our role play is now a busy police station. Each policeman makes his own ID badge and all the prisoners have been fingerprinted!

When taking a break from fighting crime, the nursery children have been looking at their learning journals.

Flamenco Fever!


There are always lots of exciting activities to try out in the Early Years garden. Here is one of our Reception children exploring the musical instruments, incorporating the castanets into a fantastic flamenco dance!