Tuesday, 25 April 2017

A Solid Foundation

We are now in our second week of the new term and as ever, it is proving to be a busy one. The children have been settling back into the daily routines and joining in with lots of fun activities.

In our garden we saw a brilliant display of team work and problem solving from some of our Nursery children. After realising the house they had built was too small for everyone to comfortably fit in, the children thought carefully about how they could resolve the issue and worked together to reconstruct a bigger house.


These kind of problem solving activities are vital in helping children to develop their creative and critical thinking skills. Children who are able to problem solve in a variety of situations are often more confident and able to cope with new or different routines and situations. This can have a massive impact not only on learning in school, but is a life skill that can be carried forwards into the future. As we near the transition phase of our school year, finding ways to develop these skills is particularly relevant.

"Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve" - Roger Lewin