Friday, 21 October 2016

Parents Evening FAQ's

It was lovely for the Early Years team to get to meet so many of you during Parents Evening this week. There were many positive conversations and from a staff perspective, it is always useful to learn as much as possible about the children in our care from the people who know them best.

A few questions seemed to come up throughout the Parents Evening meetings and hopefully this post will help to address some of them.

The phonics scheme that we follow at the Grove Academy once children are in Reception is called Read Write Inc. This is a system of teaching children the sound recognition and early reading and writing skills that will support them as they learn to become independent readers and writers in all areas of the curriculum.
The link below will take you to the parent section of the Read Write Inc. website and will hopefully help to answer any questions you may have about phonics as well as providing some handy hints on how you can help your child at home.

Read Write Inc. Parents Section

Another question that was asked many times was 'how do you teach the letter sounds?' At this stage we are not focusing on the alphabetic letter names, but instead the children are learning all about the sounds that the letters in each word make to support them as they learn to read. A really useful link is to the Read Write Inc. sound pronunciation guide, which will show you and your children how to form each of the 'pure' sounds that the letters make.

Sound Pronunciation Guide

Again, this is related to the phonics scheme followed once children are in Reception.

Observation Abbreviations/How can I help my child?
Many of you were curious as to what the letters and numbers at the top of our observations mean. These abbreviations are simply linked to the Early Years development statements that all of our learning is based around.
You may have noticed a coloured piece of paper with, for example, L: W: 40-60M written on and highlighted in your child's Learning Journal. This means that the learning we observed during that particular adult directed session was based on Literacy (L), focusing on writing (W) and what an 'average' child aged between 40-60 months (40-60M) would be expected to do.
Please follow the link below to see the 'parents guide' that accompanies the Early Years curriculum to see what we will be working on with your children through Nursery and Reception. This document also contains some great tips on how you can help to support and enrich your child's learning at home.

Parents Guide - What to Expect

Once again, thank you so much for taking time out of your evening this week to share in your child's journey through Nursery and Reception. These opportunities to come together really do benefit the children and help us all to grow and learn together!

"TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More".

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