As part of our space topic this half term, the children have been researching rockets and what makes them fly. In order to find out this information we logged on to the internet and the children suggested the well know search engine 'Google' as a good place to start our research.
This raised an excellent opportunity for discussing internet safety and how to stay safe online. Nearly all the children in Reception are lucky enough to be able to access the internet on a wide range of devices and will regularly search for favourite games and websites. Unfortunately, this freedom to explore the online world leaves children open to discovering inappropriate or upsetting content and people, however innocent the search may have been.
In our classes we discussed how sometimes there may be things on the internet that are just for grown ups and suggested ways that we could make sure we stay safe online, just like we do in the real world. The children were very sensible, making suggestions such as asking a grown up to help them and keep them safe.
We then introduced a search engine specifically designed for children and explained that each time we log on to the internet, we should head straight to 'Kidrex' as this lets us search for things in exactly the same way as 'Google' but in a much safer way.
If you would like to find out more information about keeping your children safe online, then please talk to your child's class teacher or follow the links below.
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